How It Works

Regenerative medicine is a rapidly-evolving field, spanning personal stem cells and other therapies, that may support a natural path to healing.

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What Is It?

In this form of medicine, personal stem cells or human cellular tissue products are implanted to areas of need in an attempt to support the body’s natural healing response.

A Natural Path

Stem cells in the body naturally maintain the health of tissues. This type of medicine is believed to support that process.

Minimally Invasive

Performed by licensed providers, these procedures involve local anesthesia or IV-sedation. Tissue implantations are performed with x-ray or ultrasound guidance.

Improved Living

When the outcome is successful, clients may experience less pain and better daily function. However, some individuals do not respond to treatment.

Potential Benefits

A Second
Chance To Heal

These therapies aim to help adults in overall good health reduce pain and rebuild function that's been lost to time and wear.

While an ever growing body of scientific data continues to show promise, regenerative medicine therapies are still considered experimental and not FDA approved to treat any disease or medical condition.

Therapy may support pain reduction and functional improvements in adults with light-to-moderate degeneration in the spine and joints.

Therapy may stimulate hair growth and improve hair quality in adults with thinning hair.

Therapy may promote collagen production and help improve elasticity and fine lines and wrinkles in adults with light-to-moderately aging skin.

Therapy may result in progressive improvements in blood flow, inflammation, and tissue health in adults with overall good health.


Is It Right for Me?

While regenerative medicine requires medical clearance by a Humanaut Health provider, here's important general information to consider. Keep in mind, regenerative medicine therapies are not approved by the FDA to treat any disease or serious medical condition.


  • Regenerative medicine may be an effective and less invasive alternative to surgery for people who are otherwise in good health.
  • Improvements may take place gradually. It may take 8-12 weeks or more to start seeing benefits.
  • Individuals with some improvement after their first procedure might seek multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.
  • Some people do not respond to therapy. The reason some respond, while others do not, is not entirely understood.

Known Side Effects

  • Some discomfort can take place during and after treatment—especially with hand, disc, foot, and shoulder procedures—but most people tolerate these procedures well. 

  • Bruising, redness, and swelling may occur at the injection site.

  • Infection is extremely rare, but a serious risk. It's important not to schedule dental work 2 weeks prior or 2 months after a procedure.

Who's It For?

  • Adults in overall good health with light-to-moderate degeneration of the spine and joints
  • Adults in overall good health who wish to support optimally healthy skin, scalp, and sexual function
  • Clients who commit to following post-procedure instructions and maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Who's It Not For?

  • Active smokers, heavy drinkers, or those with lifestyles or conditions that create inferior healing response such as advanced diabetes
  • Individuals who are pregnant or treating systemic disease or serious medical conditions, including cancer, paralysis, and genetic disorders


For further reading about regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy, take a look at these resources:

Reviewed By

Harry Adelson, ND

Amy Killen, MD

Our Medical Approach

Our protocols have been designed by Chief Regenerative Medicine Officer, Harry Adelson, ND, and Amy Killen, MD. Combined, they have performed more than 10,000 stem cell therapy procedures over the last 20 years.

After confirming basic eligibility, you’ll speak with our local provider to determine if you're a strong candidate for therapy and to finalize your treatment plan.

You'll select a tissue type, either personal stem cells or human cellular tissue product from our FDA-registered tissue bank partners. Your fees are the same, regardless.

Treatment may begin with high-energy wave pulses applied to the body through a wand device. Known as shockwave therapy, this technique helps prepare the body for response.

Local anesthesia is applied to ensure your comfort. X-ray or ultrasound devices are used, as needed, to guide implantations. You'll be at the clinic for 1-2 hours.

Clients can choose IV-sedation administered by a licensed nurse anesthetist based on the complexity of their procedure or by request.

“Chronic pain runs the risk of robbing you of the activities you love most. With Humanaut, I get to help more people rediscover their passions by making regenerative medicine more accessible.”

Harry Adelson, ND


Common Treatment Areas

Our spine and joint program rates include tissue fees, shockwave therapy, local anesthesia, direct procedure, and follow-up care. Your total cost of care may vary based on treatment area(s), number of sessions, and add-on requests. Your medical consultation rate will be applied to your total cost of care if you move forward with treatment.


Starting at $4,100 per session

Wrist/Ankle Joint

Starting at $2,600 per session

Elbow Tendon

Starting at $3,950 per session

Rotator Cuff

Starting at $2,225 per session

Low Back

Starting at $10,850 per session


Starting at $8,300 per session

Skin & Scalp

Coming Soon

Sexual Health

Coming Soon

The information contained on this site is not intended to act as a substitute for professional medical advice. Many of the medical therapies and wellness services available at Humanaut Health are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to prevent, diagnose, or cure any disease or serious medical condition. Humanaut makes no representations, promises, or guarantees as to the effectiveness or suitability of the products and services we offer or recommend. Results will vary and some services may be unsuccessful. The prices of our services, products, and memberships may vary per location and are subject to change from time to time.


Get answers to common regenerative medicine questions.

Personal stem cell therapy is the attempt to stimulate the body's natural healing response by transferring your own stem cells from fat taken from your hips to other areas of your body that have undergone degenerative changes.

Those who experience the best results tend to take it easy for two weeks and avoid activities with high-risk of injury for two months following the procedure.

While the average cost of treatment varies based on a number of factors, our starting treatment fees range anywhere from $1,700 per session, based on the area treated and the volume of personal stem cells or tissue product used. Average costs are $4,000 to $6,500 for large joints and $10,000 for the spine.

The biggest disadvantages include lack of insurance coverage, and just like any other medical intervention, results cannot be guaranteed. For those with successful outcomes, the experience is frequently described as: less pain, improved daily function, and better quality of life.

We recommend starting the eligibility and consultation process to determine if we can help support your personal health needs.


Concierge Members Receive Special Program Rates

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